Tag: EU-Canada trade agreement

Application of Reciprocity under the GPA

An article, “GPA Reciprocal Conditions: Leverage for Bilateral Agreements,” provides a comprehensive examination of the restrictions that parties to the WTO Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) apply to the procurement that they cover under

Investor-State Dispute Settlement: Update

An earlier post outlined the controversy surrounding investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) on both sides of the Atlantic. It also speculated on whether the issue would be taken up in a renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). This

Canada’s New Internal Agreement: Backgrounder

On July 1, 2017, Canada will implement a new agreement, the Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA), which is intended to reduce interprovincial barriers to trade. Fourteen units of government signed the new accord: the Canadian federal government, 10 provinces

EU & Canada: Preparing to Sign Trade Pact

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The European Union and Canada are taking steps to ratify their trade pact, the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), which they completed in 2014 after six years of negotiations. The two sides plan to sign the agreement at a EU-Canada summit in