Tag: Berry Amendment

U.S. Laws Limit Procurement Commitments: A Djaghe Reference Paper

A Djaghe reference paper, U.S. Laws Limit Procurement Commitments, examines the relationship between U.S. laws that restrict the purchase of foreign goods and services and U.S. commitments under international trade agreements. The paper generally

Trade Implications of the Buy American Act of 1933


The Buy American Act of 1933 (BAA) is the example, most frequently cited by U.S. trading partners, of American protectionism. This major domestic preference law governs the procurement of goods by the federal government. It was enacted during the Great

TTIP and “Buy America” Requirements

EU business seeks removal of “buy America” requirements in TTIP negotiations. BUSINESSEUROPE, a leading business organization in the European Union (EU), cited removal of U.S. domestic preferences as one of its primary goals in the procurement