Tag: China state-owned enterprises

14th Year: Whither China’s GPA Accession?

China’s negotiations to join the WTO Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) have entered their 14th year, with little indication they will conclude anytime soon. While China has made significant progress in its GPA negotiations, the United States and

China’s Trade Policy Review: Government Procurement

In July, the WTO conducted its 6th review of China’s trade policies and practices. This post examines elements of the Trade Policy Review (TPR) that relate to China’s negotiations to join the WTO Government Procurement Agreement (GPA). It examines the

China’s GPA Accession: U.S. Industry Identifies Deficiencies

The American Chamber of Commerce in China has pointed out deficiencies in China’s GPA offers that will need to be addressed to bring the procurement China will cover under the GPA to the level of other parties. As noted in an earlier posting, China