Tag: SOEs

China: Revising Tendering and Bidding Law

China has proposed major revisions of its Tendering and Bidding Law (TBL), one of its main procurement laws and the de facto law that applies to procurement by state-owned enterprises (SOEs). The TBL imposes uniform

EU Business: Rebalance China Relationship

In a January report, BUSINESSEUROPE, a leading business organization, called on the European Union to rebalance its relationship with China in order to address systemic challenges arising from its state-led economy that are leading to market distortions

China’s Trade Policy Review: Government Procurement

In July, the WTO conducted its 6th review of China’s trade policies and practices. This post examines elements of the Trade Policy Review (TPR) that relate to China’s negotiations to join the WTO Government Procurement Agreement (GPA). It examines the