Tag: TTIP procurement

NY Rejects Buy American Restriction

Last week, the New York State Assembly stripped a Buy American requirement from the state’s proposed budget for fiscal year 2016-17. The provision would have required use of U.S.-produced iron, steel and manufactured goods in public infrastructure projects

TTIP: Expansion of Buy America Requirements

Last week, the European Union released a 17-page report on the 12th round of negotiations of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), in which it reviewed the status of the various elements of the negotiations. The EU also reiterated that

TTIP Procurement Negotiations: A Djaghe White Paper

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A Djaghe white paper on the TTIP Procurement Negotiations provides an in-depth examination of the government procurement issues in the negotiations of the Transatlantic Trade and Partnership (TTIP), based on a compilation of relevant posts from