Advancing TiSA Negotiations

Following the recent WTO Ministerial in Nairobi, U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman observed that WTO members are free to consider new approaches to trade issues. They are no longer bound to the Doha Development Agenda, a 14-year effort that has yielded

Trade Negotiations: USTR’s Consultation Guidelines

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On October 27, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) issued “Guidelines for Consultations and Engagement” (Guidelines) for consultations with Congress, the public and advisory committees relating to negotiations of trade agreements that are

New Zealand Implements GPA

New Zealand’s accession expands the GPA roster to 17 parties. On August 12, New Zealand became a party to the WTO Government Procurement Agreement (GPA), following Montenegro’s accession by a month and extending the GPA’s reach to 45

Montenegro Joins GPA

With the addition of Montenegro, 44 WTO Members now open procurement under the GPA. On July 15, Montenegro became the 16th party to the WTO Government Procurement Agreement (GPA), following its ratification of the Agreement. The WTO Committee on Government

Launch of Environmental Goods Agreement Negotiations

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On July 9, 2014, 14 WTO members launched negotiations of a new Environmental Goods Agreement (EGA) to liberalize trade in environmental goods. Preparations for the launch of the EGA negotiations began in January 2014 when the participants announced the new

TTIP and “Buy America” Requirements

EU business seeks removal of “buy America” requirements in TTIP negotiations. BUSINESSEUROPE, a leading business organization in the European Union (EU), cited removal of U.S. domestic preferences as one of its primary goals in the procurement

14 WTO Members Launch Environmental Goods Initiative

For update, see:  Launch of Environmental Goods Agreement Negotiations A new initiative aimed at free trade in environmental goods will be developed as a plurilateral agreement among  “like-minded” WTO Members. On January 24, 2014, the United States and