Tag: European Union

EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation & Procurement Obligations

The European Union (EU) is implementing a Foreign Subsidies Regulation (FSR) that is aimed at addressing distortions caused by foreign subsidies in EU public procurement. The EU contends that foreign subsidies could provide foreign firms with an unfair

Domestic Content Requirements: Contrasting Treatment

The Biden administration has demonstrated that it can be flexible in carrying out its ‘Made in America’ agenda when necessary to accomplish other goals. This flexibility can be seen in its contrasting approaches to implementing domestic content

GWU Webinar: EU’s Foreign Subsidies Regulation

The George Washington University presented a webinar on “A new barrier to transatlantic procurement: the European Union’s Foreign Subsidies Regulation on April 18. The Foreign Subsidies Regulation (FSR) entered into force on January 12, 2023, with the

Trade Agreements Ignored in New ‘Buy America’ Rules

The Biden administration is intent on closing what it regards as a “giant loophole” that has allowed infrastructure projects to be built with products (other than iron and steel) “sourced from anywhere in the world.” To that end, it has proposed

EU-Chile Upgraded FTA: Procurement

In December 2022, the European Union (EU) concluded negotiations of an upgraded free trade agreement (FTA) with Chile. The EU-Chile Advanced Framework Agreement is the 9th FTA the EU has negotiated since 2017 when it implemented a comprehensive agreement

A New Book on International Procurement

Newly published by Dalston Press  The International Procurement System: Liberalization & Protectionism  by Jean Heilman Grier International Procurement. The agreements that support it.   The institutions that sustain it.  Its

GWU Webinar on Protectionism in International Procurement

The George Washington University presented a webinar on September 7 on “New Protectionism in International Public Procurement.” The discussion included unilateral procurement actions by the United States and the European Union (EU). For the US, the

EU-New Zealand FTA: Procurement

The European Union (EU) and New Zealand concluded a bilateral free trade agreement (FTA) on June 30th. This is the 6th FTA the EU has negotiated, over the past decade, with parties to the WTO Government Procurement Agreement (GPA). The others are with Canada,

Canada Considers Procurement Restrictions

Canada is exploring options for responding to the expansion of “Buy America” policies in the United States. It is considering measures that would allow it to restrict access to its federal procurement and federally funded infrastructure projects when the

2021 International Procurement Review

This post surveys major actions in 2021 in the international procurement arena. It begins with agreements that are aimed at liberalizing procurement markets. It then looks at measures that are focused on protecting domestic procurement markets or restricting