Tag: Office of Management and Budget

Administration’s Report on Impact of Agreements on Buy American Laws

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) posted a “Report on the Impact of Free Trade Agreements on Buy American Laws” (Report) on its website, dated February 2024. The Report was in response to a directive in the infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act

Buy American Waiver Website Criticized

The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) found deficiencies in the administration’s website that provides information on waivers of Buy American laws in a December 2023 report. In Opportunities Exist to Improve the Reporting of Waivers to

GPA Parties Criticize OMB Infrastructure Guidance

Parties to the WTO Government Procurement Agreement (GPA), led by the European Union  and echoed by Australia, Canada, Switzerland and the United Kingdom, criticized US  implementation of the Build America, Buy America Act (BABA) at a

Final Infrastructure Guidance: No Trade Agreement Provisions

The White House’s final guidance on implementing the Build America, Buy America Act (BABA Act), issued on August 14, added no provisions to its proposed guidance for the application of the Act’s ‘Buy America’ preference to

Trade Agreements Ignored in New ‘Buy America’ Rules

The Biden administration is intent on closing what it regards as a “giant loophole” that has allowed infrastructure projects to be built with products (other than iron and steel) “sourced from anywhere in the world.” To that end, it has proposed

US Transportation Department’s Construction Materials Waiver

The Department of Transportation (DOT) has concluded the immediate implementation of a ‘Buy America’ requirement for construction materials used in transportation projects would be inconsistent with the public interest. Its six-month waiver of

White House Guidance on “Buy America” for Infrastructure Projects

Four weeks before the implementation of a broad “Buy America” requirement for infrastructure projects, the White House issued guidance to federal agencies. The “Buy America” provision will apply to all infrastructure projects that receive federal

White House Begins to Implement Made in America Order

The White House issued initial guidance to implement President Biden’s Made in America order, focusing on increasing opportunities for domestic sourcing and reducing the need for waivers of Made in America laws. It calls for a phased-in

Agencies Implement Trump’s Buy American Orders

In recent weeks, federal agencies have taken measures to implement the president’s directives to maximize the use of American-made products in both federal procurement and non-federal projects undertaken with federal grants. On September 14, the Federal