Tag: WTO Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)

European Commission President Plans Procurement Preference

European Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen, proposed a procurement preference for EU products in her bid for a second term. Such a move would represent a departure from the EU’s generally open procurement market and its criticism of preferences

Canada: Developing Reciprocal Procurement Measures

The WTO’s recent review of Canada’s trade policy pointed to its continued development of a more restrictive government procurement policy based on reciprocity. Canada began consideration of reciprocal government procurement measures in 2022. While the

Defense Procurement Agreements: Undermine GPA?

The US Department of Defense (DoD) is considering the negotiation of Reciprocal Defense Procurement (RDP) Agreements with Brazil, India, and South Korea. An RDP agreement allows the so-called “qualifying country” to participate in DoD procurement without

US-EU Best Practices for Green Public Procurement

The United States and the European Union (EU) illustrated how governments can contribute to green public procurement (GPP) by publishing an extensive list of initiatives, policies, and actions that they have implemented. With their Joint EU-U.S.

Biden Administration Proposes End to Highway Waiver

The Biden administration wants to eliminate a Buy America waiver that has allowed the purchase of foreign manufactured goods for use in highway projects since the 1980s. In his State-of-the-Union address on March 7, 2024, President Biden declared “’Buy

Key Procurement Developments in 2023

A recently published briefing paper outlines key developments in international procurement that may be of particular interest to US suppliers. The paper, Key International Procurement Developments in 2023, published by Thomson Reuters, outlines activities in

EU Targets Chinese Firm in First Foreign Subsidies Investigation

The European Commission has launched its first in-depth investigation under the Foreign Subsidies Regulation (FSR) to determine whether a Chinese state-owned firm submitted an unduly advantageous offer in a Bulgarian train procurement as the

UAE Agreements: Flexible Procurement Provisions

Beginning in 2022, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) implemented trade agreements with India, Israel, Indonesia, and Türkiye. In these agreements, the UAE has not insisted on uniform government procurement commitments. Rather, it has agreed to a broad range of

2023 Developments in International Procurement

In 2023, the liberalization of procurement markets generally outpaced domestic protectionism with some worrisome signs. Evidence of liberalization was seen in the WTO Government Procurement Agreement (GPA), which added its first new member in four years and

WTO Procurement Committee Opens Negotiating Files

The WTO procurement committee, which oversees the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA), has advanced significantly the transparency of its work. It has opened the files on the negotiations of the 2012 revision of the plurilateral agreement. This major