Since the WTO Agreement on Government Procurement (GPA) entered into force in January 1996, its membership has more than doubled, growing from 21 to 47 WTO members. It now constitutes slightly less than one-third of the total WTO membership. Three factors underlie that 26-member expansion: the European Union’s (EU) enlargement added 13 member states; five countries sought GPA membership to comply with commitments made as part of their WTO accession; and seven countries joined on their own initiative, all but two within the first two years of the GPA’s implementation. This post examines the role of these factors in the expansion of the GPA and points out the current paucity of WTO members negotiating to join the GPA on their own volition. It is based on a paper that will be presented at a conference in the United Kingdom next week.
The most important factor in the growth of GPA membership has been the addition of new countries to the EU. Between 2004-2013, the EU added 13 member states: Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia in 2004; Bulgaria and Romania in 2006; and Croatia in 2013. When the EU brings new countries into its fold, it adds them to its GPA commitments on the same terms and conditions as the existing member states.
A second factor behind the expansion of GPA membership is commitments made by countries joining the WTO. This is growing in importance. Since the WTO’s establishment in 1995, 36 countries or economies have acceded to that multilateral institution, and two-thirds (24) of those countries have agreed to seek GPA membership as part of their terms for becoming WTO members. Here is the status of the fulfillment of those commitments:
- Nine of those members have fulfilled their commitments. Five entered the GPA through the accession process: Armenia (2011), Chinese Taipei (2009), Moldova (2016), Montenegro (2015) and Ukraine (2016); and four were added to the GPA when they became EU member states: Croatia, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
- Three of the 15 WTO members with unfilled commitments are actively engaged in negotiations on the terms of their accession: China: Kyrgyz Republic and Tajikistan.
- Two recently applied for accession: Russian Federation (2016) and Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (2017).
- Four members applied for GPA membership, but their accession negotiations have languished for several years: Albania, Jordan, Georgia and Oman.
- Five members have not yet initiated accession: Afghanistan, Georgia, Kazakhstan Mongolia, Saudi Arabia and the Seychelles.
- Panama applied for accession, but in 2013 withdrew from the negotiations.
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