Please join a free one-hour webinar on rising protectionism in public procurement, both in the United States and the European Union, on Friday, 21 February 2025, 9:00 Eastern Time, 14:00 UK, 15:00 CET.
A panel of internationally recognized experts will address potential new protectionism in the Trump administration and the European Union and the European Court of Justice’s landmark Kolin decision on access to the EU public procurement market. The webinar is presented by the George Washington University’s Government Procurement Law Program.
More information and registration for the webinar is available at
The moderators of the panel will be Christopher Yukins of the George Washington University and Annamaria La Chimia of the University of Nottingham (United Kingdom).
The panelists are:
Robert Anderson, World Trade Organization (ret.)
Roberto Caranta, University of Turin (Italy)
Albert Sanchez-Graells, University of Bristol (UK)
Jean Heilman Grier, Trade Principal, Djaghe LLC
Marko Turudić, University of Zagreb (Croatia)
Jean Heilman Grier
February 14, 2025