A new report emphasizes the role of green public procurement policies in addressing the climate crisis. The report, “Priming the Pump: The Importance of Green Public Procurement in Decarbonizing Industry and Creating a Clean Energy Economy,” issued on October 26, highlights the important role the G7 countries can play in advancing climate-aligned trade policies and provides practical recommendations for policymakers.
The report emphasizes that: “G7 countries have a major opportunity to continue to lead by example in transitioning to a green, low-carbon global economy by promoting trade in climate-friendly goods and services. [They] can accelerate the market for goods and services with reduced carbon impacts through their own public procurement practices, which would send a strong signal to global markets that they will use trade policies to reduce emissions, stimulate demand for low-carbon goods, and support decarbonization of heavy industries."
It recommends a unified G7 commitment to green public procurement and outlines why such a commitment would be a major milestone.
The report was published by Climate Advisers as the Secretariat of the Consortium for Climate-Aligned Trade. Climate Advisers also issued a report on “The Importance of Clean Economy Subsidies and Assessing Their Trade Risks,” which provides an overview on why subsidies will be an important policy tool in supporting the transition to a clean energy economy, and how to reduce trade tensions around subsidy policies.
Jean Heilman Grier
October 27, 2023
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